SSSA History
History of the Soil Science Society of America
First SSSA President
First SSSA President, Richard Bradfield, 1936-1937

Historical Highlights, 1936-2011
Historical Highlights 1936-2011
The Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) celebrated its 75th Anniversary in 2011. “During our 75-year history, the Soil Science Society of America has had many accomplishments. From our peer-reviewed journals, Annual Meeting, and educational outreach, we have much to celebrate,” says 2011 SSSA President Charles W. Rice, Kansas State University. “We look forward to the next 75 years in SSSA history, as the importance of the soil ecosystem moves to the forefront of discussions about climate change, food security, water quantity and quality, contamination, and human health." SSSA Historian Eric Brevik has prepared this timeline to document SSSA’s first 75 years.

U.S. Sentate Resolution
United States Senate Resolution The 112TH Congress, 1st Session made Senate Resolution 224 congratulating the Soil Science Society of America on its 75th anniversary on June 30, 2011
SSSAJ 75th Anniversary Papers
75 Years and Still Going Strong
Publication: Soil Science Society of America Journal Vol. 75, Issue 1. Author: David D. Myrold.
Digital Soil Mapping and Modeling at Continental Scales: Finding Solutions for Global Issues
Publication: Soil Science Society of America Journal Vol. 75, Issue 4. Author(s): S. Grunwald, J. A. Thompson, J. L. Boettinger.
Kirkham's Legacy and Contemporary Challenges in Soil Physics Research
Publication: Soil Science Society of America Journal Vol. 75, Issue 5. Author(s): W. A. Jury, D. Or, Y. Pachepsky, H. Vereecken, J. W. Hopmans, L. R. Ahuja, B. E. Clothier, K. L. Bristow, G. J. Kluitenberg, P. Moldrup, J. Šimůnek, M. Th. van Genuchten, R. Horton.
Three Principles of Soil Change and Pedogenesis in Time and Space
Publication: Soil Science Society of America Journal Vol. 75, Issue 6. Author(s): Henry Lin.
Historical Perspective on the Tools That Helped Shape Soil Chemistry
Publication: Soil Science Society of America Journal Vol. 75, Issue 6. Author(s): C. P. Schulthess.
From Dust Bowl to Dust Bowl: Soils are Still Very Much a Frontier of Science
Publication: Soil Science Society of America Journal Vol. 75, Issue 6. Author(s): Philippe C. Baveye, David Rangel, Astrid R. Jacobson, Magdeline Laba, Christophe Darnault, Wilfred Otten, Ricardo Radulovich, Flavio A. O. Camargo.
Addressing the Need for Soil Blends and Amendments for the Highly Modified Urban Landscape
Publication: Soil Science Society of America Journal Vol. 76, Issue 4. Author(s): John J. Sloan, Peter A. Y. Ampim, Nicholas T. Basta, Roger Scott.
International Year of Soils
SSSA celebrated the International Year of Soils in 2015.