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Agronomy, Crops, and Soils is thrilled to announce that the Awards Hub is now live!

Members can now access the hub to apply for awards or nominate someone deserving. Don’t wait—start your application or nomination today at

The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage students to pursue research and careers in dryland soil management and to honor the teaching and research career of Gary "Pete" Peterson. Pete’s career emphasis has been the application of soil science principles to the solution of field-level soil management problems. 

Dryland farming is defined herein as a special case of rain fed agriculture practiced in arid and semiarid regions in which annual precipitation is about 35% of potential evapotranspiration. Conditions of moderate to severe moisture stress occur during a substantial part of the year, greatly limiting yield potential. Dryland farming emphasizes water conservation in all practices throughout the year.

The scholarship was established by friends and colleagues of Gary "Pete" Peterson, a prominent and highly respected soil scientist and former president of SSSA (2008). Funds for the scholarship are made available by the Agronomic Science Foundation and administered by the Soil Science Society of America.

If you have any questions regarding the application, please email or call 608-268-8080.

The Gary “Pete” Peterson Dryland Soil Management Scholarship is open from January through March 25th.

 The scholarship award given annually is in the amount of $5,000.


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  1. Applicants shall be enrolled in a graduate-level degree program in the Soil Sciences curriculum of an accredited university located in the United States.
  2. Members of this SSSA Award Committee and the SSSA Executive Committee are not eligible to be a nominee for this scholarship.
  3. Applicants shall be in good academic standing with a GPA of 3.5 or better on a 4 point scale.
  4. Applicants shall exhibit evidence of leadership activities within their school or community.
  5. Applicants shall have future plans related to a career in Soil Science.
  6. Previous awardees are eligible for renewal of the scholarship.
  7. No fees will be charged to applicants for this scholarship.
  8. Current student members, who are M.S. or Ph.D. students or current undergraduate students accepted for a graduate program pursuing a degree in dryland soil and crop management or closely related field are eligible to apply.
  9. Preference will be given to nominees whose research focuses on practical issues that involve field experiments.
  10. Applicants shall be a citizen of a North American country: the United States, Canada, or Mexico.


  1. Members of this SSSA Award Committee and the SSSA Executive Committee are not eligible to be a reference for this scholarship.



  1. Graduate School and Department Name
  2. Grade Point Average and Degree Program Pursued (M.S. or Ph.D)
  3. Focus of Study
    List your Focus of Study. If not majoring in dryland soil and crop management, clearly state how your field of study is closely related. (Character Limit, including spaces: 1000)
  4. Leadership Activities
    Briefly list your leadership activities at school and in your community and describe how they contributed to your ability to become a better leader. (Character Limit, including spaces: 3500)
  5. Description of Research/Field Experiements
    (Character Limit, including spaces: 4000)
  6. Future Plans in Soil Science
    Briefly state your future plans related to a career in the soil sciences. (Character Limit, including spaces: 1500)

Explore Open Awards at our new Awards Hub.