View Awards | Soil Science Society of America Skip to main content
Agronomy, Crops, and Soils is excited to introduce the Awards Hub this year!
Scheduled to launch on January 21, 2025, all members will have access to the awards hub and can start applying and nominating for those available. Please check back then to apply for an award or nominate someone!

Honorary Membership recognizes sustained, outstanding service to the soil sciences by distinguished nonmembers, scientifically, legislatively, or in any other form, to enhance the sciences for the benefit of humankind. Only two SSSA Honorary Memberships may be bestowed each year. The award includes travel reimbursement to attend the SSSA Annual Meeting.


View Award Committee members
View SSSA Board of Directors
View Past Recipients


  1. Nominators are required to be SSSA members.


  1. Honorary Membership is limited to nonmembers of the Society to which they are being nominated.
  2. Former recipients of this Award are not eligible.


  1. Members of this SSSA Awards Committee and the SSSA Board of Directors are not eligible to be a reference for this award.



  1. Current Position Title


  1. Current Position Title
  2. Professional Positions Held
    (Character Limit, including spaces: 3000)
  3. Evaluation
    In this section, summarize the primary achievements and evaluate the nominee's comprehensive skills, competencies, and qualifications which you believe qualify the nominee for Honorary Membership in the Society. (Character Limit, including spaces: 4500)

Nominations are not currently open.
Please return here after nominations open to initiate your nomination.