Robert Luxmoore Student Travel Award

The Robert Luxmoore Student Travel Award is designed to support travel of students to the Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of America. This award is supported by a generous bequest made by Robert Luxmoore to the Soil Physics Mentoring Fund, which has been established through the Agronomic Science Foundation and is administered by the Soil Science Society of America. Two $750 awards will be given to undergraduate or graduate students as travel support.

To apply, submit the complete application (see instructions below for format) to:

Dr. Manoj Shukla

Dr. Manoj Shukla
Plant and Environmental Sciences
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM, USA-88003

Nominations should be combined in a single PDF file and submitted by e-mail prior to June 1, 2022. Award winners will be notified by the Chair of the Soil Physics and Hydrology Mentoring Committee by July 21.

The Soil Physics and Hydrology Mentoring Committee:

Manoj Shukla (Chair)

Salini Sasidharan

Hailong He

Asim Biswas (Division Chair-elect)

Sasha Kravchenko (Division Chair) - ex officio


  1. Enrolled as undergraduate or graduate student at the time of application and at the time of the meeting.
  2. Member of the Soil Science Society of America and the Division of Soil Physics and Hydrology.
  3. Students are expected to present an oral or poster presentation in a session of the Soil Physics and Hydrology Division at the Annual Meeting of SSSA.
  4. Award funds have to be used to support travel of the student to the Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of America. Funds can be used for registration, travel, and lodging.

Application Process

The application materials should include:

  1. A letter from the student describing interest in soil physics and hydrology. (limit 1 page)
  2. Completed application form
  3. A support letter from the student’s major advisor, explaining why the student should receive the award. The letter should comment on the student’s skills and progress. (limit 2 pages)
  4. Student's CV

The application package should be submitted as single PDF file by e-mail. Nominations not adhering to the above format, including page limits, will not be considered.

Application Form