Federal agencies provide guidance to researchers in response to coronavirus 

March 23, 2020

Due to the disruptions arising from the national response to COVID-19, multiple federal agencies are making adjustments to their procedures, including extending deadlines for grant solicitations. USDA NIFA has extended deadlines for several solicitations. NSF has released FAQ documents on grant deadlines, travel, and review panelists. NSF has also released a Dear Colleague letter soliciting proposals to conduct non-medical, non-clinical-care research on the transmission, prevention, and communication of COVID-19. The DOE-Office of Science has issued an extension for grant applications and further instructions on progress reports and travel. The DOE also launched a task force that will coordinate its resources to study coronavirus and other public health issues.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memorandum authorizing federal agencies to provide regulatory flexibility on all federally supported research. The memo list several actions that federal research agencies can take including grant application deadlines, no-cost extensions, short term relief for administrative, financial management, and audit requirements. Each agency will need to decide exactly how and which changes to enact. 

We encourage all Society members to check federal agency websites regularly for updates. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA will be collecting information from federal agencies here.